
Looking for Soundproof Windows Installation Costs?

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What is the cost of Soundproof Windows?

Soundproof windows can make a considerable difference to your comfort if you live near high-noise roads and tend to cost from £900 to £5,000, depending on the type of window.

If you decide to replace multiple windows with a soundproof alternative, the total cost will inevitably need to be higher. However, you can choose cost-effective styles to remain within budget.

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Secondary glazing could also be an option, which means you won't encounter the disruption of your old frames being removed, as this involves adding an additional thick layer of glass to your windows.

Average Cost of Soundproof Windows

Upgrading your glazing to a soundproof design can add value to your property and reduce noise pollution from busy industrial areas, airports, roads and motorways.

There are several ways to install soundproofing, so much depends on the types of windows you have, their sizes, how many windows you'd like to replace, and where you live.

As a quick guide to average UK prices:

  • Secondary glazing costs around £400 per window.
  • Soundproof casement windows cost from £895 to £1,860.
  • A soundproof sash window is usually £1,365 to £4,760 per unit.

We've mentioned secondary glazing, which can be very affordable compared to replacing a window altogether, but this isn't always feasible, and properties with old frames normally need a full replacement.

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Other Cost Considerations When Choosing Soundproof Windows

One factor to be mindful of is the sound transmission class rating (STC) - this figure indicates how effective your windows will be at blocking noise, so the higher the rating, the better the soundproofing, but the higher the cost.

You'll need to know the size of your windows before a contractor can quote.

Properties usually have standard-sized window spaces, but a non-standard design could bump up the cost as your fitter will have to have the frames and glazing custom made.

For typical sash windows, the costs of a soundproof replacement vary as follows:

  • 90 cm x 50 cm - £1,365
  • 180 cm x 125 cm - £2,230
  • 122.5 cm x 248 cm - £4,760

Casement windows are the most common type of window found in relatively modern homes, and the costs also depend on the size of the window.

For a 110 cm x 90 cm casement window, a new soundproof installation would cost around £900, increasing to £1,860 for a 140 cm x 210 cm space.

It's also important to budget for the labour costs and fitting charges alongside the windows themselves.

Although tradespeople will set different prices, the average fee is £300 per day for a team of two window fitters.

Benefits of Upgrading to Soundproof Windows

The immediate advantage of a soundproof window is obvious - you can cut down noise entering your property from outside.

High-quality noise-proof glazing can reduce noise pollution by up to 95%, creating a tough barrier to eliminate any sounds from reaching you while you're indoors.

Other benefits include:

  • Energy efficiency - a newly installed soundproof window will naturally be more insulative than an older panel, so it can reduce your heating costs. The extra barrier added to your panes adds to the insulation properties of a standard double-glazed window.
  • Condensation reduction - condensation is a common issue in older double-glazing and can be reduced with soundproof glazing. The dual panels have a sealed airspace, which is insulated and greatly reduces condensation.
  • Adding value - properties close to railways, motorways, factories, schools and other busy areas can significantly increase in value with excellent soundproofing.

There are thousands of window styles, frame choices, and colours.

For example, you might soundproof just those windows at the front of your property or go for replacement windows in some rooms and secondary glazing in others where the existing windows are in good condition.

Choosing Soundproof Windows

Double-glazed soundproof windows may be the most common option - they're normally recommended if the ambient noise outside your property is below 65 decibels.

Other alternatives include triple-glazing, with more robust noise protection and insulation, with sound control of four decibels more than double-glazing.

Secondary glazing means that a new glass layer is added to your window, which is the lowest cost option - but not appropriate where your window frames are fragile or have been in place for many years.

Finally, you could look at laminated glass coated in a special treatment to block sound transference.

This specialist glazing adds another sound barrier to your windows, with the potential to reduce noises by 35 decibels.

Alternatives to Soundproof Windows

While professionally fitted glazing is undoubtedly the best way to tackle noise pollution, there are other products you could try - ideally to boost your soundproof protection alongside quality windows:

  • Soundproof curtains are low-cost and versatile, suitable for any window of any size. Curtains aren't as effective as sound cancelling windows but can enhance your sound buffer at night.
  • Window inserts act similarly to secondary glazing, as a panel that you slot into the window frame. You can move the inserts in and out, although they are only practical where you have standard sized windows.

Essentially, these options have limited use but can be suitable for the short-term or reduce minor noise interruptions.

The STC ratings we talked about earlier are the key factor in selecting the best performance windows.

For reference, a standard double-glazed window offers STC of about 26 or 27, whereas fully glazed soundproof windows usually score between 48 to 54.

Anything above a 50 STC rating is considered high-quality soundproofing that blocks up to 95% of exterior noise, so it's advisable to choose the highest-rated glazing you can afford to get the best value.

Checkout this video which shows the dramatic impact soundproof windows can have:

Frequently Asked Questions - Cost of Soundproof Windows

Next, we'll look at some of the frequently asked questions about the cost of soundproof windows and whether they’re worth paying for.

How Much Do Soundproof Windows Cost on Average?

Most soundproof windows cost from £900, although you can install secondary glazing from £400 per window if you have good condition frames and existing glazing.

Casement windows are cheaper (this is the standard type of window found in residential homes).

If you need to upgrade bay windows, sliding doors or sash windows, the costs are higher, up to around £5,000 for the largest standard-size sash window.

Associated costs such as labour, waste removal and finishing usually work out cheaper if you have all your soundproof glazing installed at the same time. Hence, it's worth planning to have all the windows replaced simultaneously rather than one at a time.

Do Soundproof Windows Really Make a Difference to Noise Pollution?

The reality is that even the highest grade soundproofing doesn't eliminate noise 100% - but technically advanced glazing will block up to 95% of noise pollution, making a considerable impact on your quality of living.

Low-frequency sounds such as thunder are much harder to mask than high-frequency noises such as train whistles, so a lot depends on the type of noise you experience and at what times of the day.

If you struggle to sleep due to excessive road noise, or a busy motorway, you can opt for soundproof windows and soundproof curtains to provide the highest possible level of sound reduction.

The other factor to think about is the STC rating of your windows, which we've discussed.

High STC rated glazing will perform much better than standard double-glazing and is specifically designed to reduce exterior noise.

Is it Worth Investing in Soundproof Windows?

The investment is very worthwhile if your home is near a high-noise area, and you don't wish to move!

Properties close to heavy use roads or industrial areas are worth considerably more if they have been upgraded with premium soundproofing. It could be much easier to sell your home for a higher value, often worth more than the cost of the replacement glazing.

Of course, much depends on how much noise pollution you experience and how much it bothers you.

If you have low-level noises from time to time, you might want to look at adding secondary glazing to those windows facing the aspect where the noise originates as a lower-cost option.

Does Soundproof Glass Improve Energy Efficiency?

Soundproof windows are a form of acoustic insulation, which can be essential for properties close to heavy sound areas, such as flight paths or close to an airport.

Double-glazing, or triple-glazing, are well known as being great ways to improve your energy efficiency rating, reducing heating bills, cutting out draughts, and making your property easier to keep warm and comfortable.

Acoustic glass is designed to absorb, reflect and dampen soundwaves, so a double-glazing panel will keep heat inside while preventing noise from penetrating through the glass.

To achieve as good an energy efficiency rating as possible, you can select windows with specific coatings and thermal panes to reduce heat transfer.

Note that you can make a soundproof window energy efficient. But, you can't make an energy-efficient window soundproof (without secondary glazing), so if you're looking for the best of both worlds, we'd suggest choosing high STC panels with added efficiency properties.